After creating or clicking on a Page Type from the previous screen, you can manage everything about the Page Type from the management area.
In this area, you will see five tabs, we'll walk through each below:
All Pages
This tab will let you view and manage all of your individual Pages of this type (If "Projects" is a page type, then "Project A" is a page).
Pages may be created and deleted through people data sync. When they are, Pages cannot be manually created and deleted on this page. This is done by creating a mapping to one of your Page Types. When pages are managed by data sync, pages will be created and deleted based on whether any people from your incoming data source are assigned to them. For example, if I am using a CSV source with a column called "departmentName", I can map that column to a created Page Type called "Department". Then, the next time data sync runs, a page will automatically be created for each unique department name in your CSV, and anyone with that department name assigned in your CSV will automatically be assigned to the page.
If you just created your page type by converting an existing attribute, your Page list will be automatically populated with all existing values that are already on your person profiles. For example, if your profiles already contain an "Office City" attribute, and you choose this attribute to be converted, we will automatically create Pages for all of the already existing office cities in Sift. This may take a few minutes, and you will not be able to create or remove pages on this screen until this process finishes.
Creating Pages
To create one or more new pages, click the "New Pages" button on the top right of the table. You may then enter one or more pages by entering names separated by comma. After pages are created, they will appear in the table below.
Deleting a Page
To delete a page, click the three dot icon next to the page in the page list, and click the "Delete Page" button.
Editing a Page
To edit one of your pages, simply click on the page's name, and you will be taken to the user facing portion of Sift where you can edit the page's profile just like you do your own.
Just like your person profiles have attributes, your Page Types do too! In this case, it helps to think of "Person" as a Page Type. So while a Person may have attributes like "Job Title", "Office City", or "Phone Number", a Project may have attributes like "Start Date", "Documentation Links", or "Project Goals"
When your page type is initially created, we will give you a few pre-populated attributes to start from, but you are free to add, remove, or change any to fit the use case of your page type!
In this tab in the page type management area, you will see a table which functions in exactly the same way as the one in the "Person Profiles" area. Check out our documentation on attributes to learn how to manage them.
Similarily to the above, you will see a very familiar looking view that will allow you to manage your Page Type's profile layout. You can add attributes and categories, as well as re-order them. Check out our documentation on profile layout to learn more.
This area will let you manage settings related to how people are connected to pages of this type.
Note: The "Membership" tab will be unavailable if "Independent Pages" was chosen when creating the page type, as independent pages do not have members.
Data Mapping
If your pages and members are managed by people data sync this area will display which data sources your pages are being populated from.
Allow end users to join a page?
If this setting is switched "On", people at your organization will be able to add themselves as members of a page by editing the associated attribute on their own profile page. In the screenshot below, Ashly would be able to add herself to a project by clicking the edit pencil in her "Projects" section if this setting is switched on. If the setting is not turned on, only people with access to edit the "Project A" page would be able to add or remove members.
By default, we refer to a person associated to a page as a "Member" of the page. For example, Ashly is a member of "Project A". This wording is shown in a few spots, but mostly on the Page (see screenshot below). If you would like to use a different word (ex: "Winner" for "Award" pages), you can update it in this section.
Page Member Grouping
Switch this setting "On" to allow Page members to be grouped into different sections. This could be something like a "Role" on a project or a "Year Won" for an award.
Group Members By - Customize the name of the grouping. "Role" is the default
Group Options - If provided, page editors will be given a predefined list of options to pick from. For example, if all of the projects at your company have a uniform Role structure that you would like to enforce, add those roles here.
Allow editors to create new groups - Switch this "On" to allow page editors to create new grouping values. For example, if turned on for projects, editors would be able to create new roles. This makes more sense if each project in your organization has a little different of a structure, and you're comfortable with them being managed individually.
Person Attribute Usage
When Page Type is created (other than independent pages), an associated Attribute is created on your Person Profiles ("Projects" in the screenshot of Ashly's profile above). This section indicates whether this attribute is visible on your person profile pages and in other areas of Sift.
General Settings
This area will allow you manage further settings for your page type, including default access rules for editing your pages.
Title and Description
Update the title of your Page Type and the description given when users are prompted to add pages to their profile.
Page Editors
By default, each Page that you create for this type will be editable by:
Sift administrators (those who have access to the Admin Dashboard)
Any explicitly assigned editors. On each individual Page, you may click the "Manage Editors" button on the left side of the Page to give access to a specific person. For example, if "Project A" has a project manager who should be responsible for updating the Page for "Project A", you can grant them access to it.
In addition, you may automatically grant access to:
Team Leaders - If a person is a member of a specific page, and is also a leader (i.e. they have direct reports), they will automatically be given access to edit that page.
All Members - If a person is a member of a specific page, they will automatically be given access to edit that page.
Delete Pages
If you no longer need to use this Page Type or any associated Pages, you may delete it here. This will irreversibly destroy all of your data.
Where do I go next?
Publish Your Pages - After creating some Pages and tweaking your options, you will need to publish your pages to make them visible to everyone in your organization. Click the toggle next to "Publish Pages" on the top right to do so. Before Pages are published, they will only be visible to administrators, and will not be visible in Search or Person Profiles.
Add the Page Type to your person profile layout - Unless converted from an existing attribute, you will need to go add the attribute to your layout. If you created the Page Type from an existing attribute, you should see the new attribute in the same place as your old one was!
Edit your pages and get the word out! - Start editing the content on your pages or adding editors and assigning them to do so.