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The third step in a Sift rollout - your organization starts using Sift.

Ryan Bickham avatar
Written by Ryan Bickham
Updated over a year ago

The onboarding step is all about making sure the employees at your company know about Sift and are able to use and love it with ease. You will eventually have to introduce Sift to everyone at your organization, and we understand there might already be a process for this at your organization that works well with your existing culture.

However, based on our previous successful rollouts, here are our suggestions on how to make onboarding smooth: 

  • Download the desktop app. To easily access Sift without opening up a browser every time,  push-install our desktop apps for both Windows and Apple  on your company computers. This page from our website includes the links to download the apps. 

  • Download our mobile app. For employees who are constantly on the go such as sales teams or executives, we also have mobile apps! They are also available to download from our website on this page

  • Install our custom widget. If you have a company intranet or other internal webpage, you may want to add a link to Sift and/or install our Custom Widget that will take your employees directly to Sift. This help page will show you how to create your Custom Widget.

  • Post banners and pamphlets. In some cases, our clients have found it helpful to create physical pamphlets or post banners around the office. If you think this would be beneficial, let us know and we can work with you and provide more suggestions!

  • Send emails from leadership to your organization within 30 days. With the goal of achieving a high adoption rate while keeping the entire rollout to 30 days, we would like to suggest sending emails from leadership at your organization. If employees see leaders setting a good example, they will likely follow. 

View this video tutorial on accepting your invite to Sift, filling out your profile, and navigating the platform. Share it with your team for smoother onboarding!

Below is one of our many suggested emails you may send to your employees. We can work with you to make this more personalized as well. 

The first of three emails is to come from a person with great influence at your organization. Typically, this is a President, CEO, or Founder. This will be the first time most people at your organization hear about Sift. 

Subject Line: Check out our newest tool - Sift!

Email Body:

Hello {{Company Name}},

Hopefully you all are having a great week. I am happy to introduce you all to our newest tool, Sift! Sift is {{Insert use-case for company here}}. I am excited to see the impact Sift will have across our company!

The first step in this is for all of you to login and fill out your profiles.

Please visit {{Company Sift URL}} to get started. The process is very straightforward but feel free to reach out to {{Support Email}} if you have any questions along the way.

For a bit of inspiration, check out my Sift profile! {{URL to their Sift profile}}

Thanks and happy Sifting,


The second of three emails is to come from the people who are “one step down” from the President, CEO, or Founder. This is typically people with Director titles. This email will place more emphasis on why Sift will be so important and what use cases they recommend. 

Subject Line: Have you heard about Sift? 

Email Body:

Hello {{Company Name}},

Have you heard about Sift? I am loving it! So far, I have been able to learn more about individuals at our company, find a few folks who have similar interests to me, and better understand our org chart. What have you used Sift for?

If you haven’t signed in yet, you’re missing out. Please visit {{Company Sift URL}} to get started!

Another one of my favorite parts about Sift is that I’m able to use it from my phone!. Here is a link to download the mobile app:

Can’t wait to hear how you all are using Sift! 

The final email should come from people who directly manage the majority of the employees. This will be a bit more direct and call out specifically how this will help their team.

Subject Line: How do you like Sift? 

Email Body:

Hi Team,

By now, you have probably heard the buzz. We are on Sift! What is Sift you ask?

Sift is {{Insert use-case for company here}}

I strongly encourage you to sign in and start using Sift. I promise you, once you start using it you won’t be able to stop.

    -  Here is a really neat video that explains the tool a bit more:

- Here is a video that takes you through setting up your profile and quick overview of Sift:

    -  Here is the link to login and get started: {{Company Sift URL}}

    -  Here is the link to download the mobile app:
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